Nova edição: Revista da Previdência Complementar é disponibilizada em inglês

Foi publicado o volume 8 (julho de 2023) da versão online em inglês da Revista de Previdência Complementar – Publicação da Abrapp, ICSS, Sindapp e UniAbrapp, com matérias adaptadas ao público internacional. As edições em inglês são semestrais e buscam despertar interesse da comunidade internacional no sistema brasileiro e gerar potenciais parcerias e oportunidades de negócios.

Todos os textos são editados e adaptados com notas de rodapé que explicam os termos utilizados no Brasil (planos abertos e fechados, EFPC, CNPC, entre outros). Há notas também com a cotação do dólar sempre que há menção a valores, isto é, tudo pra tornar o produto inteligível para uma audiência internacional.

Leia a seguir o editorial da edição em inglês:


Letter from the editor: Flávia Silva

The year of 2023 promises to be the beginning of a new era for Brazilian non-profit occupational pension plans. After all, a central-leftist government, more concerned with social welfare, has just been elected, bringing immediate, significant changes.

An important point was the re-creation of the Ministry of Social Security, whose policy role had been diminished after it was relinquished to a mere secretariat under the Finance ministry structure at the beginning of Jair Bolsonaro’s term, in early 2019.

In the supervisory agency (PREVIC – National Superintendence of Complementary Pension Provision), a new – and yet very experienced – Superintendent has taken office with the firm purpose to “turn the key” of the system, a subject he addresses in an exclusive interview featured in the present issue.

Ricardo Pena had previously held the same post at the supervisor. However, he now returns to the position after becoming a private plan member himself and leading, for nearly 10 years, the pension entity (Funpresp-Exe) created in 2013 for new public servants of the Executive Branch, who are subject to the same Social Security benefit cap as private sector workers. The experience has made him less bureaucratic and more empathetic to the causes of the sector, he claims.

When it comes to investments, we feature two very interesting pieces. The first one deals with pension funds’ investment policies for the present year. As the SELIC (basic interest rate of the economy) remains high, at about 13,75%, federal government bonds have been the most prominent asset class in institutional portfolios. However, there are also high-yield allocations in Private Equity Funds – know in Brazil as FIPs – that are worth becoming acquainted with.

Still in the investment sphere, we highlight the advances made in the ESG arena, such as the work carried out by a number of public and private entities to develop a Brazilian taxonomy, as well as the performance and latest actions of the Carbon Disclosure Project, that has been active in the country since 2006.

On the institutional side, we lay out the main points of ABRAPP Group’s Strategic Planning for 2023 and 2024, whose actions and projects envisage a 10-year prosperous period, in addition to the Association’s numerous initiatives throughout its 45 years of existence, a period filled with struggles and victories in favor of the occupational pension system.


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